Certainly, Canada is a country where opportunities abound. The unemployment rate is approximately 5.5%, thus Canada stands as an ideal destination if you intend to stay in the country to work in the field you like.
If your area of work is among the most sought-after professions in the country, your chances of staying in the country are significantly higher, should you choose to apply for permanent residency. The government offers various programs to qualified foreigners who wish to remain on its territory.
Even though opportunities abound, you’ll have to work hard on your language skills as you’ll eventually realize most job offers require you to be proficient in English and French.
So let’s take a look at what professions are sought after in Canada. Here we go!

If you are a nurse and you want to stay in Canada, you are in luck. Nurses are one of the most in-demand profiles in the country. Due to an aging population, overall, and the foreseeable retirement of many people who occupy this type of positions, the market is demanding a large number of healthcare professionals.
Nurses are in high demand across Canada in every province and territory. Nursing associations publish reports on posts opening up in the near future. In addition, registered nurses are increasingly becoming important in Canada’s small rural towns and remote communities. In areas where access to family physicians is limited, these nurses often take on primary care roles.

Another in-demand career in Canada is trucking. The Canadian economy depends for its livelihood on these drivers who carry goods from one side of the country to the other.
Considering the relatively old average age of Canadian drivers, estimations suggest that the country will need thousands of people to fill this role.
All Canadians are impacted daily by trucking operations. However, some areas depend on truck drivers much more than others. For example, some parts of the country are extremely remote. Residents in those areas often rely on truck drivers to bring them goods such as food and clothing.

College or vocational course teachers are also in demand in Canada. You will be able to teach in both private and public institutions.
Academic requirements and the experience needed to become a teacher vary greatly depending upon the work environment. Based on the academic institution where you want to work, eligibility criteria will vary. We recommend you set yourself the goal of finding out what eligibility criteria you must meet to work in the place where you want to work.

The business management consultant role is also in high demand in the Canadian job market. If you have a business background, it could be the perfect reason to stay in Canada!
This need has arisen due to an increased demand for professional consulting services coupled with the retirement of workers and the transition to other positions.
By 2026, the number of people retiring from this sector is expected to be higher than average.
Many people start by pursuing a degree in a business-related field and then acquire experience working in a variety of different industries and positions.

Manufacturing industry
Welding is another in-demand technical occupation in Canada. Welding is one of the most in-demand jobs, largely due to emerging and rapid demand for this position, rather than retirement rates.
Due to ongoing progress in the manufacturing industry, welders with a high level of specialization and training will have access to better job opportunities than those with basic skills.
Welders who are able to handle a variety of in-demand technical careers and professionals skilled in blueprint/drawings interpretation will outperform the rest.

Occupational therapy and physiotherapy
Fortunately, our life expectancy is longer than before, which means that we live longer and better. As a result, professions intended to care for our elders are emerging. This is also the case in Canada. The population has aged, and many Canadians seek to enjoy healthy lifestyles for as long as possible.
Occupational and physical therapy assistants play a role in enabling that to happen. Furthermore, Canadian hospitals have moved toward outpatient models of care to free up beds, which is why they often offer physiotherapy and occupational therapy services as part of their strategy.
Occupational care and physical therapy are considered in-demand careers, excelling as a field to watch. As the population ages, the need for such services is only expected to increase.

Software Engineering
Nearly 21,000 software engineering jobs are expected to be created between 2017 and 2026 in Canada.
Some of these posts will need to be filled as some workers transfer to higher-level management, sales, or engineering positions. Although most of these new posts will stem from new needs.
Growth in technical industries such as IT, telecommunications and mobile technology is expected to fuel demand for software engineers and developers.

Many opportunities will also arise around systems and application design and development.