
How did YouTooProject start?


YouTooProject is positioned as one of the best study agencies on the market after starting its adventure in 2012. Ever since, we have advised and accompanied more than 20,000 people to study and work abroad. But how was the project born? Read on about our beginnings in a garage in Byron Bay, Australia.

The story of YouTooProject

Marta Caparrós, a Spaniard from El Masnou (Spain), and CEO of YouTooProject, decided to leave her career in Communication Consultancy and head to Australia. Tired of a monotonous life with hours stuck in traffic jams and pointless meetings, she landed in Byron Bay in 2009. Little did she know back then all that was about to come.

Studying English

Marta’s main goal, like most of our students, was to improve her English, and so she did! She started practically from scratch, going to classes every day, and speaking English at work and in her free time, realising her progress from early on. Nothing beats language immersion to learn a new language!

Caparrós’ blog

Marta travelled around Australia during her first years in the country and did literally everything: she worked on farms, cleaned houses, babysat, and was a part-time taxi driver, among others. Back then, she decided to share her day-to-day life in a personal blog that soon became a mailbox for questions about how to get there, the most interesting tourist routes, or the paperwork necessary to apply for a visa and move to Australia. This is where it all began: Seeing that her adventure captivated others, she decided to start AUssieYouTOO. And, like the best business ideas, this project was born in a garage.


Thanks to her friends’ support, Marta shaped her project, forging the company’s values and image. AUssieYouTOO was an online student support group created and driven by the desire to help others to move to Australia, just as Marta had done years before. Starting meant a lot of hours of work from Byron Bay, the hippie paradise!

Local Advisors Network

Soon after launching AUssieYouTOO, Marta realised that one of the reasons people didn’t come to Australia was “the fear of being alone on the other side of the world“. Landing in Australia can be tough: nerves, jet lag, time difference, a new language – Aussie slang!, being away from your family and friends… That’s why we created the role of Local Advisors.

Local Advisors speak your language and have been living in your destination city for a while, so they can guide you and answer all your questions. Their function is to welcome you during your first 48 hours and help you with all the initial paperwork, such as opening a bank account or installing a SIM card on your phone. They will become your first friend in your new city! 

How did this story continue? 

Read on about our first days on “From AUssieYouTOO to YouTooProject“.

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