
Tourist visa in Australia. We explain all the details to you!


The tourist visa in Australia

The tourist visa is perfect if your intention is to travel to Australia for a short period of time to enjoy the country for only 3 months.

If you are thinking of spending a few months in Australia to explore the country from top to bottom and from east to west, you are probably looking for a tourist visa.At YouTooProject we can help you apply for a tourist visa when you study a minimum of 4 weeks of English.

In addition, we will receive you when you land in Australia to welcome you and help you take the necessary steps. first steps in the country.

Keep in mind that with these visas you will not be able to work during your stay. However, they do allow you to study a course that lasts less than 3 months.

Visitor visa (subclass 600)

  • In general, they allow you to stay in Australia for 3 months, although you can request to stay for up to 12 months and it depends on the government whether they grant it or not.
  • El precio del visado oscila entre 195 AUD y 490 AUD,  según la duración que elijas.
  • The government may ask you to demonstrate health checks, biometric exams, police certificates or proof of financial funds.
  • Application time: It may take 15-90 days to arrive.
  • You can apply for it while in Australia.

Visa evisitor (subclass 651)

  • It allows you to be in Australia for 3 months in a row for a period of 12 months.
  • It's free!
  • The application is made online.
  • Application time: It's super fast! It may take 1-30 days to arrive.

Please note that this visa You can only apply for it from outside Australia But, no worries! In addition to these visas, you have other options to travel to Australia as a tourist, in the official page of the Australian government you can Check which ones meet your requirements.


How can I apply for a tourist visa?

It is a very simple process. You only need your passport and internet connection!
Access your ImmiAccount to apply for a new visa. And if you don't have one yet, create one to start the process.

  1. Press New Application.
  2. In the tab Visitor and you have to select the visa you want to apply for: Visitor or eVisitor.
  3. Now, fill out the application (do it in CAPITALS, except your e-mail).Finally, read it twice to check that everything is correct, and that's it!

How much does it cost to renew the visa from Australia?

If you want to renew your visa you have to know that, from the second consecutive visa renewal from Australia, the government will ask you for 700 AUD, an extra fee, in addition to the usual cost of your visa. We explain it to you with some examples:

Example of renewal with a student visa:

  • Primer visado de estudiante solicitado desde España: 1600 AUD. 
  • Primera renovación de visado de estudiante desde Australia: 1600 AUD (no encarece).
  • Second visa renewal (tourist – Visitor) from Australia: cost of tourist visa + 700 AUD.

Example of renewal with a tourist visa:

  • First tourist visa requested from Spain: 0 AUD.
  • First renewal of visa (tourist – Visitor) from Australia: cost of tourist visa.
  • Second visa renewal (tourist – Visitor) from Australia:tourist visa cost + 700 AUD.

We remind you that YouTooProject can help you apply for a tourist visa if you decide to study for a minimum of 4 weeks. You will lose that fear of the language when you land in Australia and you will feel much safer to be able to travel and explore the country to the fullest.

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