
How much does it cost to live in Malta?


You’re about to pack your bags to go to Malta, but you’re wondering… How much will it cost to live there? Better ask this question before travelling to be extra prepared before you arrive at your new home!

Here we will explain the expenses you’ll have there, so you can plan everything in advance and live comfortably in this crystal-clear waters paradise.

How much do flights to Malta cost? 

It depends on the airline, where and when you travel. It is not the same to travel with Ryanair or Lufthansa, from Spain or South America, in July or December. From Ryanair and a major city in Spain (e.g. Madrid), you can get one-way tickets for €15, although on average you should estimate around €70. 

From Latin America (e.g. Colombia or Chile), the average one-way price is €500 –although if you dive deep into the search and your dates are flexible, you can find more affordable options.

Cuánto cuesta vivir en Malta

How much does it cost to study in Malta? 

Studying an English course in Malta is cheaper than in other destinations such as Ireland, Canada, Australia, or Dubai. The price depends on some factors you must consider, but don’t worry, your Listener will help! 

First, remember that the price of the course is calculated per week, so the total price may vary depending on the number of weeks you choose. However, sometimes it is cheaper to pay for a longer course, as schools have fees depending on the length of the course. In other words, you may pay more for an 8-week course than a 12-week course: the longer the course, the lower the price per week. Also, you have to add the Registration Fee for enrolling. 

Season is another aspect that you must take into account for it also affects price: June, July, and August, i.e., summer means peak season, so prices will be higher. 

Finally, each school has its own fees, so you can find a wide range of prices, but this doesn’t mean that the most expensive school is the best and the cheapest is the worst. Ask your Listener to advise you on the best value for money. Depending on the type of English course you choose, the price will vary: General English courses (standard format, 20 45-minute lessons per week), usually cost between €350 and €500 –depending on the season and the other factors mentioned above. You can also choose an intensive format of 30 45-minute lessons per week ranging between €410 and €590. 

So, if you want to know how much an English course in Malta costs, we advise you to ask your Listener, who will provide detailed and accurate quotations, depending on the season, school, duration, and other price-sensitive factors. If you do not yet have a Listener assigned to you, contact us and we will help you.

How much does health insurance cost in Malta?

If you are from the European Union, you can travel with the European Health Insurance Card, so you don’t need health insurance. The downside of not taking out insurance is that you will not be covered for travel protection, search and rescue, repatriation to your country of origin, emergency dental treatment, and assistance… So, it’s better to take it out!

If you are Latin American, companies such as Gasanmamo or La Ferla offer annual basic insurance covering health emergencies from €120. This price can go up depending on the insurance company and the coverage you choose – whether it includes dental care or private services with a doctor. Basic insurance suffices for Identity Malta, the Maltese migration service.

How much does the visa cost? 

If you are Spanish, as you’ll be in the European Union, apart from not having to take out medical insurance, you will not have to apply for a visa either. If you are Chilean, Colombian, Costa Rican, Mexican, Panamanian, Paraguayan, or Venezuelan, you will not have to apply for a visa. For the rest of Latin American countries you will probably have to apply for a visa, but it is best to check with your Listener. In any case, the student visa is €75, so it isn’t a significant investment.

How much does accommodation cost in Malta? 

Malta offers many options for living: from renting studio apartments for one person to private rooms in shared flats, to double rooms, to residences… So, first, set your priorities and, obviously, define your budget.

In general, prices on this island are not very high, but due to recent demand, they have risen. For example, monthly rent for a private room can range between €400 and €700, depending on the location. If you prefer to share a room, prices go down to between €200 and €350.

What’s the cost of food in Malta?

Another essential expense to consider is food. Malta has Italian and Anglo-Saxon influences, so you’ll find both Mediterranean and English food. The monthly cost of filling your shopping basket is around €150, depending on what and where you buy. Large supermarket chains usually have lower prices than the local markets you’ll see on every corner –these will save you some trouble, but you’ll need to spend more.

To give you an idea, here are some examples:

  • 1 litre of milk: €0.70
  • 1 kg of tomatoes: €2 
  • 1 kg of oranges: €2.20 
  • 1 loaf of bread: €0.70 
  • 1 chicken breasts pack: 3.5
  • 1 dozen eggs: €2.6 
  • 1 kg of rice: €2.20. 

How much does transport cost in Malta?

The most convenient way to get around the island is by bus. Tickets vary according to the season: in summer they’ll be €2, in low season €1.50, and night tickets are €3. You can also get a public transport card depending on the journeys you plan to make and remember that you can jump into a ferry to visit Gozo and Comino.

Save a monthly average of €30 for public transportation: on this small island with pleasant temperatures, many places are within walking distance.

Cuánto cuesta vivir en Malta

Other expenses to consider

In addition to the main expenses mentioned above, here is a list of prices to give you an idea of the cost of living in Malta:

  • Movie ticket: €9
  • Monthly gym membership: €60
  • One beer: €3
  • A dress: €35
  • A pair of branded sneakers: €85
  • A day’s menu in a cheap restaurant: €15
  • A 1.5L bottle in a supermarket: €0.95.
  • A cappuccino: €2. 
  • Gozo Caves boat tour: €8.

In general, the cost of living in Malta is not very expensive, but it’s best if you bring savings to live comfortably for the first few months. It is estimated that you will need c. €600 – €800 per month to live in Malta. Also, although you can work in Malta, salaries in unskilled jobs are not very high (€4.50/hour) so it will help you cover some but not all expenses. 

Now that you have an idea of how much money you need to travel to Malta, you can finish packing your bags and planning your new adventure!

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